Escaping Busy wait with Non Blocking Delays

Thisfunctionbusywaitsatleastthespecifiedtime.Duetosomeoverheadtheactualdelaymaybelonger.,關於udelay&mdelay,就是busywaiting方式.driver常常會需要很短且精準的delay(nmicrosecond/millisecond),以完成sync。此時用jiffies就不 ...,Busy-waitingitselfcanbem...。參考影片的文章的如下:



This function busy waits at least the specified time. Due to some overhead the actual delay may be longer.

Linux- 關於timer定時器, delay延遲, sleep睡眠, 與中斷….等等

關於udelay & mdelay, 就是busy waiting方式. driver常常會需要很短且精準的delay(n microsecond/millisecond),以完成sync。 此時用jiffies就不 ...

Busy waiting

Busy-waiting itself can be made much less wasteful by using a delay function (e.g., sleep() ) found in most operating systems. This puts a thread to sleep for ...

How To Avoid Busy Waiting

If you want to avoid busy waiting you can apply the write concurrent library for your problem. If the library doesn't exist, you can try using ...

2 <utildelay.h>: Convenience functions for busy

They are meant as convenience functions where actual time values can be specified rather than a number of cycles to wait for.

What are trade offs for busy wait vs sleep?

Keeps the CPU busy, and prevents other threads from using the CPU (until/unless the spinning thread finishes its timeslice and is prempted)

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Busy

A disadvantage of busy-waiting in embedded devices is the increased power consumption. In a busy wait, the processor is running full-blast, consuming power ...

What Does “Busy Waiting” Mean in Operating Systems?

Busy waiting, also known as spinning, or busy looping is a process synchronization technique in which a process/task waits and constantly checks ...

avr-libc: <utildelay_basic.h>: Basic busy

They are typically used to facilitate short delays in the program execution. They are implemented as count-down loops with a well-known CPU cycle count per loop ...


忙碌等待也可以用來產生一個任意的時間延遲,若系統沒有提供生成特定時間長度的方法,則需要用到忙碌等待。不同的電腦處理器速度差異很大,特別是一些處理器設計為可能根據 ...


Thisfunctionbusywaitsatleastthespecifiedtime.Duetosomeoverheadtheactualdelaymaybelonger.,關於udelay&mdelay,就是busywaiting方式.driver常常會需要很短且精準的delay(nmicrosecond/millisecond),以完成sync。此時用jiffies就不 ...,Busy-waitingitselfcanbemademuchlesswastefulbyusingadelayfunction(e.g.,sleep())foundinmostoperatingsystems.Thisputsathreadtosleepfor ...,Ifyouwanttoavoidbusywaitingyoucana...